Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How You can Help

There are MANY ways to be involved with this project.

Nominate a she-roe for our list (preferably someone who is not often mentioned in the HIStory books or who is not written about in all her fullness.

Write an essay about your she-roe. We will have various essays for women. Children as young as 5 can write something. This will be a project for all ages.

Submissions of art and photographs.

Offer to edit. We will need LOTS of help in this area. The essays written by younger kids will not be edited and can be in written form.

Offer to be a mentor for this project and help girls with their ideas.

Offer to help with the blog as an administrator.

Offer to coordinate volunteers and essays.

 If you are a teacher, involve your class(es). 

If you are a writer or blogger, write about this project!

Help with Social Media - we need Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Share this project with friends and family on your own social media networks.

We will need anchors for this project - women and older girls who are willing to commit to staying on for several years.

We would love to have several historians oversee this project for accuracy.

All submissions will be posted to this blog and we will choose selections for books based on topics.  Our first discussion has been around Civil Rights female activists, such as Gloria Richardson.

At some point, we will need funds to print books.

Whatever your skill set, we can use your help!

For now, you can email - but I would love several hands to help distribute this work!

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