Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Musawah is a global movement for equality and justice in the Muslim family. Launched in Malaysia in February 2009, Musawah builds upon centuries of efforts to promote and protect equality and justice in the family and in society.

We live in an era in which women's rights have been recognised as part of international human rights standards, and guaranteed by national constitutions and laws. Vast socio-economic changes have transformed the daily lives of Muslim women whose tangible contributions to their families as providers and protectors are growing.

Yet in many countries, gains made through law reform are threatened by claims that these rights are against the teachings of Islam. The rise of political Islam has led to absolutist understandings of Islam, used to pressure communities and individuals to adhere to particular ways of life - often discriminating against women.

Increasingly, women are reclaiming the right to shape interpretations, norms and laws that affect their lives. Over the past few decades, women activists, scholars and rights groups in Muslim contexts have been pushing for the recognition of equality between women and men, and to protect positive legal provisions where they exists. Musawah emerged to highlight these efforts.


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