Monday, October 12, 2015

The Mago Way: Re-discovering Mago, the Great Goddess from East Asia

"Salvation for the terrestrial community depends on our ability to keep patriarchy in check. We CAN keep patriarchy in check by telling the gynocentric truth. The gynocentric truth mirrors what patriarchy is; it is none other than a dangerously deranged force of destruction. Because it is deceitful and threatening, we tend to see it bigger than it actually is. It has no power of giving or nurturing Life. Patriarchy is NOT winning but everdwindling and ever-dying. This book, The Mago Way, represents the ancient way of telling the gynocentric truth: to Remember collectively the ORIGIN STORY of the CREATRIX. The Mago Way unleashes the power of the almost forgotten story of HER Beginning from Old Korea. It is the one and only story of WE that takes place Everywhere and All the time. It is cosmic, galactic, solar, terrestrial, individual, personal, and atomic in scope. The Mago Way summons the gynocentric reality of WE/HERE/NOW to raise our minds/hearts."- Dr. Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, The Mago Way: Re-discovering Mago, the Great Goddess from East Asia

 Another interesting tidbit:

"Following Mary Daly, Hwang prefers to name these societies “gynocracy.” “Matriarchy” foregrounds motherhood which also functions as a symbol for women’s cultural contributions in female power societies. “Gynocracy,” on the other hand, calls attention to the fact that female power societies honor women for their cultural contributions and not only for the power to give birth to and nurture human beings. Whichever term is preferred, both matriarchy and gynocracy refer to egalitarian female-centered societies in which all people and the web of life are valued, and in which the Earth and its sacred places are symbolized as female and as Mother.  

The Mosuo who live on Lake Lugu in the Himalayas are a living matriarchal society of peace. In their system children do not have to “leave home” and “learn to make it on their own.” Both males and females continue to live in the matriarchal clan. Women invite their lovers to share their beds at night, but men return to their maternal clans at the break of day. Love and sex are free because they are not tied to the care of children. All children are welcomed in the maternal clan. Mothers are not isolated. Women of one generation along with their mothers care together for the children of the next. Brothers and uncles are the male role models for boy children. Male and female nature and character are not sharply differentiated: both females and males are understood to be active and productive, and all children are taught to become as loving and giving as the mothers who raised them." - Carol P. Christ, from her forward to the book. 

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